When you operate from who you truly are, you evolve humanity

Genea Barnes is a Level Up Coach for purpose-driven entrepreneurs who do most of the work themselves.


and increase your impact

without shady sales and marketing tactics or working yourself to death

Career Transition Coach Genea Barnes
5 Keys to switch careers-career change

For purpose-driven entrepreneurs who do most of the work themselves

3 Secrets to Maximize Profit and Increase Impact

(that the business gurus won’t tell you)


It’s way too common for purpose-driven entrepreneurs (who do most of the work themselves) to hit a profit ceiling.

And they just can’t break it, even if they’re doing “all the right things!”

career transition coach Genea Barnes

They tell me:

  • I’m working harder but my profits are staying the same!
  • I’ve hired people to help, but they did it wrong and I had to redo it myself.
  • I’m doing everything the business gurus say but it’s not working.

The good news is there’s a simple system I’ve been using to help these women break through those profit plateaus and get their business to the next level.

And the best part is that you won’t have to figure out new marketing or upend the systems you already have in place.

Aren’t you sick of spending every waking minute working on or thinking about your business? Wouldn’t you rather take a weekend off, KNOWING that profits are going up?

Let’s jump on a complimentary Level Up call, and let me help you put together a plan based on my proven system.

On a Level Up call you’ll learn how to:

♦   Break through profit plateaus at every revenue level and make steady, stable growth of your business inevitable

♦   Create a Unique Business Framework that makes it easy to make the RIGHT money-making decisions for your business quickly and easily … without second-guessing or falling prey to sales and marketing gimmicks that waste time and money

♦  Eliminate your business’s time and money leaks so you stop spreading yourself thin and you can focus your time and resources on what actually increases revenue

♦  Prevent (or reverse) entrepreneur exhaustion and burnout without stepping back or slowing business growth … because when you run out of gas your business will too

♦  Craft an Employee Blueprint so it’s EASY to hire great vendors, consultants, freelancers, and employees who do it right the first time and are fun to work with

♦   Reduce stress and overwhelm by 70% or more so you feel good running your business, have laser focus, stay on task, and get your work done faster and more effectively. (Plus you’ll sleep better)

And so much more!

The sad fact is, that what got you to this level of success is probably what’s holding you back from the next level.

Every business strategy has a ceiling. And if you’re stuck at a profit plateau, you’ve hit yours. So working harder at what you’ve already been doing will only make things worse and send you to Burn Out City.

I don’t want that for you. And I know YOU don’t want that for you.

So click the button now and book your complimentary Level Up call!


“That was honestly the best present I could have given myself, not only this year but in my whole entire life.”


“I started seeing such abundance that I never saw before.”


“Things I’d be hung up on like: I’ve got 20 clients and not enough time … the issues just seemed to melt away. This work works!”


This isn’t my first business …

career transition coach Genea Barnes

I played it safe with my first two businesses by keeping my regular job. 

And they failed – big time! Even though I’d been running other people’s businesses!

I knew I’d never make this business work unless I let go of the “safety net” of my job. 

So I jumped! 

With no plan, no money, and luckily no debt. 

I did everything backward. And WOW was it messy! 

I thought hard work would be enough to get me through. But it wasn’t. And I learned the really hard way, without any help, how to make a business work. 

I did “all the things” to make money. 

I ran myself ragged juggling all the “sure-fire” money-making strategies. But they weren’t working for me. I worked with the worst clients. Needy. No respect for my time. Cheap.

I gave away free sessions. Hoping that if they saw how good I was they’d want more. I let people do ridiculous payment plans that were never paid. I worked for trade. I did events, constant live videos, and social media posting EVERY day on EVERY platform.

And none of it worked! 

I was in dire straits financially. And I maxed out all my credit cards to pay rent and keep the business afloat. 

I had many, ugly-cry and scream into pillow, meltdowns. But I wanted this business to work more than anything! 

So I kept at it. When one thing failed, I tried another. And then finally everything started to change. 

It changed because I put myself through the system I spent years developing for my clients. That system made ALL the difference in my business. 

And the best part is … I don’t worry about money anymore because I KNOW it’ll come. And it does!

Because the RIGHT framework is there, and I’m doing the things that actually work for MY business. 

Over the years, I worked with hundreds of people, but what was surprising was that even though I was marketing to a different group of people, over half of my clients were entrepreneurs! 

And just like when I put myself through this program, their results were amazing! Their companies grew. They started having fun running the business. And they finally had time and energy for a personal life again!

So I tailored the system to be even more powerful and work specifically for business owners like you!

Everything You Need to Break Through Your Profit Plateau!

5 keys to switch careers-career change

3 Secrets to Maximize Profit and Increase Impact

(that the business gurus won’t tell you)

In this powerful guide, I share:

♦  The #1 skill you need to break the 6-figure-hump that nobody talks about (surprise it’s not sales or marketing!) and how to master it

♦  The simple formula to make great money-making decisions that’ll level up your business without sacrificing your integrity or ethics

♦  The ONE thing that causes ALL entrepreneur stress and what’ll stop it

♦  Why profit plateaus are hard to break, why most entrepreneurs fail to do it, and how you can break through every time

♦  How to become immune to sales and marketing for products and services that won’t help your specific business

♦  Why the top business leader’s advice isn’t working for YOUR business, and what you have to do to actually get ahead


book a level up call with career transition coach Genea Barnes

Book a Complimentary Level Up Call

I’ve seen so many women go out of business because they wasted all their time and money reserves trying to get to the next level. That’s why I offer complimentary Level Up Calls … so you don’t become one of these women!

In this call, you’ll learn how to:

♦  Break through profit plateaus at every revenue level and make steady, stable growth of your business inevitable

♦  Create a Unique Business Framework that makes it easy to make the RIGHT money-making decisions for your business quickly and easily … without second-guessing or falling prey to sales and marketing gimmicks that waste time and money

♦  Eliminate your business’s time and money leaks so you stop spreading yourself thin and you can focus your time and resources on what actually increases revenue

♦  Prevent (or reverse) entrepreneur exhaustion and burnout without stepping back or slowing business growth … because when you run out of gas your business will too

♦  Craft an Employee Blueprint so it’s EASY to hire great vendors, consultants, freelancers, and employees who do it right the first time and are fun to work with

♦  Reduce stress and overwhelm by 70% or more so you feel good running your business, have laser focus, stay on task, and get your work done faster and more effectively. (Plus you’ll sleep better)

Isn’t it time you got a handle on your workload and took your business to the next level? Isn’t it time you stopped working yourself to the bone for no results?


On the Podcast

Be the wolf podcast with career transition coach Genea Barnes
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This is a must-listen if you’re an entrepreneur sick of doing it the “right” way, and want to start doing it the right way for YOU! You’ve already tried doing what you “should” do and KNOW it’s NOT the best path to your happiness and success.

Being the wolf means living the fullest expression of who you truly are, in life and business (even when others don’t like it). It’s where satisfaction, fulfillment, and true happiness are found. And it’s where your wildest dreams can become a reality.

Join Genea Barnes and inspiring guests for deep-dive conversations on overcoming the “shoulds” and succeeding in business by doing it their own way.

No topic is off-limits. We’ll talk leadership, strategy, equity, goals, wellness, employees, sabotage, marketing, stress, self-esteem, decision-making, growth, impact, brand development, self-doubt, company culture, purpose, sales, and more. If it can affect your business, we’ll talk about it.

~ When you unleash the power of YOU, humanity evolves ~

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